Military Nursing Service is one of the noble and most respectable nursing profession in the world. The Nursing Officers are responsible for looking after the wounded and medically needed military soldiers and their family members.

The role of the Nursing Officers is essential because their care and sincerity towards their profession. A physically and medically fit soldier will admit in a hospital only the time of the wounded or medically unfit while carrying out his tasks.

His sole responsibilities of him to defend the motherland. While looking after a soldier, The military Nursing Officer is not only to take care of the soldier’s life but also Our homeland.

A motivated soldier can win the war and establish peace in the country. The Nation will sustain due to the motivated and trained soldier.

So, the Military Nursing Officer does not merely take care of the soldier, but she will transform a soldier from death bed into most fitted soldier back to the War front.

So the work of the Military Nursing Service Officer is always as equal to soldiering and a number of the time she has to leave her comfort and family for the sake of the country.